Willkommen bei DISENEX, einem bahnbrechenden Projekt, das vom Erasmus + Programm der Europäischen Union finanziert wird. Unser Ziel ist es, Menschen mit Behinderungen, die ein eigenes Unternehmen gründen möchten, zu fördern, indem wir ihnen das notwendige Wissen, die Kompetenzen und die Unterstützung bereitstellen.

Wir sind uns den Herausforderungen bewusst, welche die Gründung eines Unternehmens, insbesondere für Menschen mit Behinderungen, mit sich bringt. Wir sind dennoch der festen Überzeugung, dass jeder die Möglichkeit verdient, seine Träume in die Realität umzusetzen.

Aus diesem Grund erarbeiteten wir eine umfassende Methodik,  eine Analyse des aktuellen Standes der Gesetzgebung, der verfügbaren Unterstützungsmaßnahmen und -mittel, sowie Motivationsvideos gedreht, die die Geschichten derer erzählen, die diesen Weg beschlagen haben. 

Unser Webportal bietet vielerlei Informationen in verschiedenen europäischen Sprachen, darunter Deutsch, Italienisch, Türkisch, Slowenisch und Norwegisch. Hier finden Sie Zugang zu ausgewählten offenen Lernkursen, um die für die Unternehmensgründung erforderlichen Kompetenzen zu erwerben, sowie zu einer Beratungsstelle, die von unseren fachkundigen Partnern betreut wird. 

Bei DISENEX setzen wir uns dafür ein, Barrieren abzubauen und die Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen zu fördern. Wir glauben, dass mit der richtigen Unterstützung und den richtigen Ressourcen jeder sein unternehmerisches Potential ausleben  kann. 

Schließen Sie uns noch heute an und machen Sie den ersten Schritt, um Ihre unternehmerischen Ziele umzusetzen.

Über das Projekt

Das Erasmus-Plus-Projekt „DISENEX – Disability Entrepreneurship Expert“ zielt darauf ab, die Anzahl von Selbständigen und sozialen Unternehmer/-innen unter Menschen mit Behinderungen zu vergrößern. Einerseits soll es ihnen ermöglicht werden, unternehmerische Chancen zu entdecken und umzusetzen und andererseits sollen Entscheidungsträger für die Schwierigkeiten von Menschen mit Behinderungen sensibilisiert werden. Durch die Verbreitung von relevantem Wissen kann das Potenzial von Menschen mit Behinderungen im sozial-wirtschaftlichen Sektor von Fachleuten, Startup-Diensten und Behörden für Wirtschaftsförderung besser erkannt und verwaltet werden.


  • Steigerung der Quoten von Selbständigkeit und (sozialen) Unternehmensgründung bei Menschen mit Behinderungen
  • Bündelung des Wissens von Ausbildern, Fachkräften für Erwachsenenbildung, Unterstützungsdiensten für Gründer und Wirtschaftsförderungsbehörden, um das Potenzial von Menschen mit Behinderungen im sozial-wirtschaftlichen Sektor zu erkennen und zu verwalten (sowohl national als auch EU-weit)
  • Ein „Alles aus einer Hand“ System zu schaffen, das Menschen mit Behinderungen bei der Entdeckung, Entwicklung und Umsetzung einer unternehmerischen Chance hilft
  • Entscheidungsträger auf die Probleme behinderter Menschen aufmerksam zu machen, sie ermuntern, ihr wirtschaftliches und kreatives Potenzial kennenzulernen, die bestehenden Strategien anzupassen bzw. neue Strategien und Maßnahmen zu entwickeln, um Menschen mit Behinderungen zu befähigen, unternehmerisch tätig zu werden.


  • Erstellung von motivierenden Lernrichtlinien und -methoden;
  • Produktion einer dokumentarischen Miniserie zum motivierenden Lernen;
  • Entwicklung eines Online-Trainings, das sich aus bestehenden Kursen mit Schwerpunkt Unternehmertum, soziales Unternehmertum und soziale Kompetenzen zusammensetzt;
  • Aufbau eines multifunktionalen Portals zur interaktiven Bereitstellung von Lernwerkzeugen.


  • Methodik und Handlungsrichtlinien
  • Lernfilm
  • DISENEX Help desk und Lernkurse
  • DISENEX Portal


CEIPES – International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development is a non-profit organisation based in Palermo, Italy. CEIPES has expertise in Education, Innovation and Project management in different European programmes tackling the Education and the capacity building of different target groups. It also promotes lifelong learning, vocational training and entrepreneurship with the aim of enhancing opportunities for youth and adults to improve and acquire competences and therefore boost their employability and inclusion.

Employment, and the social inclusion of unemployed persons with disabilities, together with difficult-to-employ persons having limitations and barriers regarding employment opportunities. The mission of OZARA d.o.o. is the training and employment of persons with disabilities at certain specific workplaces that require the adaptation of production and service activities, whilst being part of a competitive market-economy system.

Our goals are:

  • Employment of persons with disabilities
  • Full and efficient cooperation of all within the working environment including persons in the Employment and Vocational Rehabilitation Programme and the Social Inclusion Programme
  • Raising the awareness of all employees about the necessity for respecting diversity
  • Adapting workplaces regarding their technological and time aspects and thus enabling effective and equal working conditions for all employees
  • Providing expert help and mentoring of employees at their work-places according to their individual needs
  • Providing interesting programmes directed towards the employment of persons with disabilities
  • Inclusion of all employees within the training and educational programmes for the purpose of efficiently adapting to the requirements and needs of technological development, and thus achieving high-quality task performances Connecting and cooperating at the international level introduces new possibilities and opportunities, as well as good practices, within the arena of integrating persons with disabilities, especially regarding employment opportunities due to limitations and barriers.

With this in mind, we have established a Project Management Office responsible for the development and implementation of international projects within the fields of education, training, employment and social inclusion in regard to persons with disabilities and those difficult-to-employ persons having limitations and barriers regarding employment opportunities.

Izmir Governorship represents the central government at provincial level. It is the highest public authority in the province and has a big structure that coordinates all activities in Izmir, the third biggest city in Turkey with 4 million population. The scope of activities includes education, security, environment, public works, culture, social services, health, integration of disadvantaged into the society, EU related activities etc. There are several sub-units under the Governorship and European Union and Foreign Relations Office is one of them. The Center plays an active role in dissemination, exploitation, evaluation and implementation parts of the projects in Izmir province. The Center has a broad experience in developing partnerships, is able to support and promote the implementation of European policy agenda for growth, jobs, equality and social inclusion at local, national and EU level. It also works in cooperation with relevant public, municipal and social actors at local and national level. Izmir Governorship EU and Foreign Relations Office was established in June 12, 2007.

The Center works on the following 4 areas in Izmir;

  1. Promotion and Dissemination Activities
  2. Training Activities
  3. Guidance and Consulting Activities
  4. Project Activities

FØNIX (FONIX) is the largest company within the vocational rehabilitation market in Norway. Our main office is in Sandefjord, Norway, (120 km south of Oslo) supporting 11 regional offices in the county of Vestfold. FONIX has approx. 200 employees – mostly certified trainers and instructors / teachers. FONIX are an NGO and organized as a limited company (AS), but act as a non-profit organization through our formal approval as supplier to the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Service (NAV). FONIX is 100% owned by the municipality of Sandefjord. Sandefjord is the 8th largest city in Norway with approximately 65.000 inhabitants. Our formal approval as supplier to NAV (The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration) requires that owners cannot take out dividends, and that all profits will benefit the users of the enterprise. In this setting, FONIX serves an important role for the community and public authorities regarding vocational rehabilitation. At any time during the year, this service includes approximately 2.000 learners / jobseekers and approximately 300 migrants / language learners. In 2019, more than 1.200 people got a job through FONIX.

Scope of work / specific expertise:

FONIX base their service provision on each persons' individual need for assistance, regarding their work capacity. We coach everyone towards ordinary employment through qualification and job training. “Individual Placement and Support” and “Supported Employment” is benchmark methodology, applied for the group of jobseekers in need of an extensive follow up in the open labor market. The services provided for the vocationally disabled are:

  • Assessment of the potential work and educational capacity of the individual and qualification of the individual through career guidance, adapted job training and/or qualification (job skills or further education).
  • To provide permanent adapted work for the individuals that has no possibility of a job in the open labor market. FONIX also provide “Work Preparatory Training” for people who need to establish necessary basic job skills, lifelong career guidance, language training and work-related integration for migrants.

We deliver the Integration Program on behalf of the municipality of Sandefjord and oversee more than 400 migrants in educational training every year. In addition, FONIX also has extensive experience with internal company training on many different levels – both in public- and private sector. The experience is especially from the use of career guidance connected to high levels of sick leave. As of today, FONIX is a pre-qualified provider of basic skills training (Competence +) by Skills Norway and involved in more than 60 ongoing Competence + projects in Norwegian companies. FONIX is also an active member of European Basic Skills Network (EBSN).

The International Academy for Management and Technology (INTAMT) is a non-profit association, which has been active since 2005 in the field of international knowledge transfer and exchange of experience as well as the development and implementation of continuous professional development trainings and adult education programs. Our core product is the demand-oriented combination of know-how and experience in different areas of education, research, technology, public administration as well as modern business and process management. We focus thereby on organizational and technical cross-sectoral innovations. Our offers are characterized by an integrated and at the same time individual approach (“tailor made”), which leads to a constantly high demand for services of our academy on the education market. Within 15 years, INTAMT has organised more than 700 CPD training courses, study tours and business meetings in 25 countries around the world with more than 7500 participants. In addition to Continuing Professional Development, INTAMT Academy is actively involved in implementation of international education, research, development and consulting projects in the field of knowledge transfer and innovative technologies, including those funded by various programmes of the World Bank, European Commission (including ERASMUS+), UNICEF, GIZ, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. German Foreign Office etc.

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