Dealing with Others – Learning through Experience


Learning Unit and Workload

The course is comprised of 7 playlists and consists of very short and entertaining video lectures as well as a detailed explanation of the content in transcripts focused on:

  • Playlist 1: Basic information about markets (6 videos app. 25 minutes)
  • Playlist 2: Product policy (17 videos app.68 minutes)
  • Playlist 3: Communication policy (8 videos app. 35 minutes)
  • Playlist 4: Pricing policy (10 videos app. 50 minutes)
  • Playlist 5: Distribution policy (9 videos app. 38 minutes)
  • Playlist 6: Marketing strategies (8 videos app. 28 minutes)
  • Playlist 7: Further concepts (7 videos app.42 minutes) Workload is 4,5 hours and 65 videos in total.

Target Group

University students or young career starters.

Prerequisites/Necessary background

The course is easy to use and covers a lot of practical aspects in regard to marketing. It does not need an academic background to accomplish.

Target Competencies

  • Hard skills: vision (developing an idea); mobilizing resources (support)
  • Soft skills: self-awareness & self-efficacy; creativity

Certification Examination

No certification and examination available.

Youth Move: Engine for EU Social Economy Traning Course

Learning Unit and Workload

The course contains 4 modules:

  • MODULE 1 – the world of social entrepreneurship: concept, business ideas, possibilities and motivations
  • MODULE 2 – looking for support: funding and organisational forms
  • MODULE 3 – tell your story: communication, marketing strategy and networking
  • MODULE 4 – get your project set up and running: the business plan

Each module consists of theoretical chapters, practical activities, glossary of key concepts, bibliography for those who want to expand their knowledge and final test. At the end of the course there is a summary describing main learning points about social entrepreneurship. Workload is non-available

Target Group

Youth workers/leaders of institutions who provide courses for young people as well as for any European young person who has an idea, and needs help and guidance to become a social entrepreneur.

Prerequisites/Necessary background

The course is easy to use and is written in a clear and precise language. It does not need an academic background to accomplish.

Target Competencies

  • Hard skills: developing an idea, mobilizing resources (support), planning and management
  • Soft skills: creativity, taking the initiative, self-awareness and self-efficacy.

Certification Examination

 No certification available.

Learning course “Project management

Learning Unit and Workload

The course includes such topics as basics of project management, tasks and organization, project environment and team, structural planning, effort estimation and process planning, scheduling, resources management, project controlling, multi-project management: It consists of 43 video lectures, approximately 30 minutes each, in total 21 hours and 69 hours of self-study course.

Target Group

The main target group of the course is graduating students and career starters and the goal is to explain what the project management is and how it works. It is more useful for those who are going to work in major companies with major projects, and rather not relevant for social enterprises but some of its contents could be of interest for start-upers.

Prerequisites/Necessary background

The course is rather theoretical and requires a solid theoretical background in economics to understand the content. It is easy to use, a student can see a video lecture any time anywhere, but it requires a high discipline and a lot of time for self-study.

Target Competencies

  • Hard skills: planning and management;
  • Soft skills: coping with uncertainty & risk

Certification Examination

The course is free of charge, but the certificate can be obtained by the students of the University of Bremen only after accomplishing the final exam.

Social Entrepreneurship for Young Unemployed

Learning Unit and Workload

The course consist of 9 chapters:

  1. Introduction to Social Enterprise
  2. How to Start a Social Enterprise
  3. Legal Framework
  4. Creating a Business Model
  5. Marketing
  6. Fundraising
  7. Business Management
  8. Business Finance and Economics
  9. Business Plan

Target Group

Primary target group of this course is the NEETs. The course has also content for learining proffessionals. The course content is convinient to use everyone including PWDs.

Prerequisites/Necessary background

Literacy, basic numerical skills and basic digital skills are sufficient for participation in the course. The course has a professional interface and easy to understand. The social entrepreneurship concept is explained in detaill.

Target Competencies

  • Hard Skills Vision, Spotting Opportunities & Valuing Ideas, Mobilising Resources, Planning & Management, Financial skills, Ethical & Sustainable Thinking
  • Soft Skills Self-Awareness & Self Efficacy, Creativity, Working with Others, Motivation & Perseverance, Mobilising Others, Taking the Initiative, Learning through Experience

Certification Examination

The course is free of charge, there is are assesement at the end of each chapter and after successful completion of the course a certificate providing to the attandent.

Social ENTrepreneurship for Immigrants-SENTIM

Learning Unit and Workload

The course consist of 9 chapters:

  1. Entrepreneurship is(Definition of Entrepreneurship)
  2. Design thinking and learning about the customer
  3. Making sense out of data and understanding your market
  4. Generating ideas
  5. Prototyping
  6. Business model and business planning
  7. Feedbacks, implementation and storytelling
  8. Presenting your business ideas
  9. Entrepreneurial learning community

Target Group

SENTIM E-learning tool is a rich source of knowledge and useful information for all professionals who work with immigrants and want to help them explore their entrepreneurial interest, potential, competencies and provide them additional knowledge about entrepreneurship and business model canvas. The tools are user-friendly and include guidelines and instructions. They can be used by different professionals, also those who do not have extensive knowledge about entrepreneurship. The first and third modules can be used also in other settings and adapted to the needs of the target groups or knowledge, experiences of the trainers and professionals. The tool can also be used directly by people who can get additional information, explore business model canvas and develop their own business idea.

Prerequisites/Necessary background

Literacy, basic numerical skills and basic digital skills are sufficient for participation in the course. The course has a professional interface. Some chapters designed for learning proffesionals and not suitable for enterpreneurship candidates (it could be confusing for people who has limited information about entrepreneurship)  

Target Competencies

  • Hard Skills Vision, Spotting Opportunities & Valuing Ideas, Planning & Management, Ethical & Sustainable Thinking
  • Soft Skills Self-Awareness & Self Efficacy, Creativity, Motivation & Perseverance, Coping with Uncertainty & Risks, Taking the Initiative, Learning through Experience

Certification Examination

The course is free of charge, there is not any interim or final assesement and after successful completion of the course a certificate providing to the attandent.

How to build a Compelling Competitive Strategy

Learning Unit and Workload

The course is comprised of 3 units, plus the introduction and the conclusion, the unit are composed by video lesson from professor Ken Burke:

  • Unit 1: Introduction
  • Unit 2: Define, Segment and track your Competition – 8 videos, 41 minutes
  • Unit 3: Build a Compelling Competitive Matrix – 6 videos, 32 minutes
  • Unit 4: Create a unique competitive advantage – 9 videos, 31 minutes
  • Unit 5: Competitive strategy, Course next step – Suggestion to the next courses to take, 10 minutes

Target Group

Enterpreuner with a young activity, interested in studying the competition in order to identify best selling point for his market

Prerequisites/Necessary background

The course is not complex and give good basis on segmentation and positioning, it could be useful to have some basic knowledge of marketing and a clear understanding of what a market is

Target Competencies

  • Hard skills: Developing an Idea Mobilising Resources (Support) Planning & Management
  • Soft skills: Self-Awareness & Self Efficacy Creativity Motivation & Perseverance Coping with Uncertainty & Risk Learning through Experience

Certification Examination

No certification available

Il posizionamento della tua azienda (Italian)

Learning Unit and Workload

Il corso è composto da 3 moduli più un introduzione. I moduli sono composti da varie presentazioni video con delle slide dettagliatamente spiegate e descritte:

  • Modulo 1: Introduzione – 1 video, 4 minuti
  • Modulo 2: Le potenzialità del tuo mercato – 2 video, 15 minuti
  • Modulo 3: Le migliori nicchie di mercato – 3 video, 30 minuti
  • Modulo 4: I migliori clienti – 3 video, 24 minuti

Target Group

Imprenditori e aziende interessate al tema del posizionamento, a come creare una differenziazione del proprio prodotto e come trovare clienti

Prerequisites/Necessary background

Il Corso è semplice e ben spiegato, è consigliato conoscere alcune nozioni fondamentali di marketing, come una conoscenza base di cosa è il mercato,

Target Competencies

  • Hard skills: Sviluppare un idea Progettazione e Management
  • Soft skills: Self-Awareness & Self Efficacy Creatività Competenze sociali Prendere l’iniziativa Gestire l’incertezza e il rischio

Certification Examination

Nessuna certificazione disponibile

ENTERPRISE – “ENTrepreneuship Experience and Rising Professionals In Sustainable Europe

Learning Unit and Workload

The course lasts 50 hours in total it is composed guidelines on using the E-learning platform and of 9 modules. Each one is comprehensive of: Introduction; Initial and final self-evaluation assessment (6 questions each); Tests to evaluate the previous and the new knowledge (16 questions). In total, between the self-evaluation assessment and tests, there are 27 quizzes. The modules are:

  • Module 1: Communication & Social Skills, 6 lectures;
  • Module 2: Creativity & Innovation, 5 lectures;
  • Module 3: Entrepreneurship & Green Deal, 6 lectures;
  • Module 4: Cooperative and Collaborative Work, 5 lectures;
  • Module 5: Social Media & Digital Entrepreneurship, 5 lectures;
  • Module 6: Taking the initiative, 6 lectures;
  • Module 7: Market Research; 6 lectures;
  • Module 8: Financial Literacy for Entrepreneurs, 7 lectures;
  • Module 9: How to develop sustainable business, 6 lectures.

Target Group

The main target group is made up of young people, students and experts in the field of entrepreneurship and sustainability at the European level.

Prerequisites/Necessary background

There aren’t necessary prerequisites. At each stage of the course, learners will find an explanation of what is going on in the given activity and what should be done to perform it correctly.

Target Competencies

  • Hard skills: Finances Developing an Idea Planning & Management Sustainability
  • Soft skills: Self-Awareness & Self Efficacy Dealing with Others Motivation & Perseverance

Certification Examination

The course is free of charge and the certification is available. To receive it, is necessary to complete the initial and final self-evaluation of competencies, the modules and the activities related.

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