The project TM and a new meeting opportunity

Oct 12, 2021

The first presentation meeting of the DISENEX: DISABILITY ENTREPRENEURSHIP EXPERT project took place in Maribor, Slovenia.

The partners met on the 6th and 7th of October 2021 in the Slovenian city to take stock of the project activities and to evaluate the next steps of the future months, in function also of the recovery of some meetings and activities slowed down because of the pandemic.

Precisely because of the pandemic and the risky contagions that are increasing in the country that hosted the meeting, CEIPES preferred to participate in online mode, but still present and participating in the activities in which the partnership is involved.

The IO1 of the project is moving forward, and it consists in the creation of: Methodology and Guidelines DISENEX, i.e., useful contents as guidelines for the collection of material and good practices in the field of entrepreneurship for people with disabilities. Starting from IO2, it will be possible to understand the propaedeutic value of IO1, because the realization of a Learning Film is foreseen.

The next steps of the project include many activities and interesting opportunities for training and growth, on which the partnership is working hard.

If you don’t want to miss any more news about the project and keep updated, keep following us on our channels and on the project’s social networks:

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